Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bad English ain't Cool

…… in fact, bad English is bad for business.

In tough economic times when the competition for business and jobs is global, you need all the ammunition you can muster.

Communication skill is the key factor in the development of leadership roles, market share and competitive edge.

Never before in history have these skills been more vital; and, never before have they been so scarce.

You must be capable of clearly articulating your message in all areas of your life. Communicating with proper grammar, spelling and vocabulary sends the message that you care and that you can do a professional job and do it well. In fact, you will be indicating that you are actually a cut above the majority!

Sadly, our education system has been dumbed down to the lowest common denominator while the cost of university and college soars.

Fewer bangs for more bucks!

At some point in the past 30 years, there was a collective decision that this generation should have life made easier for them.

Well, guess what? It just got a whole lot harder.

Perhaps it’s time to take responsibility for our own lives and prosperity and kick the system to the curb.

It ain’t rocket science!

Your kick-ass coach,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Social Media for Dinosaurs

I am a Dinosaur. Entering the world of social media is for me like climbing a vast mountain in high heals. Old fears and insecurities overcome and paralyze me. Telling me that millions and billions of people are using it only increases my fear of tumbling off the ledge into oblivion.

So now what? I think it may be time for a new pair of shoes…..and wings!

First of all, I have concluded that I need help. Training. Support.

Next, I must call upon my inner Warrior. She is courageous.

Stay Tuned……

The Fearless Coach